Murder trial begins 19 years after Fraserburgh fire

Gordon Graham died in the blaze - Barry Henderson is charged with his murder

Published 31st Jul 2017
Last updated 31st Jul 2017

A man has gone on trial accused of murdering a 43-year-old man in a fire 19 years ago.

Barry Henderson, 42, is charged with killing Gordon Graham and attempting to murder his wife Anne in a blaze at 74 High Street, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire in May 1998.

Prosecutors claim Henderson , from Fraserburgh, wilfully set fire to materials in the ground floor common stair and landing area in High Street and the blaze spread to the two flats occupied by the Graham family.

Jurors at the High Court of Glasgow were read out a joint minute of agreed facts in the case.

They were told that two flats at 74 High Street were occupied by Gordon Graham, his wife and family members and that the Graham family were known locally as “the family from hell.”

The jury also heard that Mr Graham died of smoke inhalation and his body was scorched by fire. At the time of his death he was “substantially under the influence of alcohol and cannabis.”

Henderson is also accused of assaulting a woman in a nightclub in Fraserburgh, by kicking her on the leg and attempting to punch her, and of committing a breach of the peace at a nearby car park on May 3, 1998.

Henderson also faces another charge that he behaved in a threatening manner on a bus between Crimond and Fraserburgh last November.

Henderson, who is represented by defence QC Brian McConnachie, denies all the charges against him and has lodged special defences of alibi and incrimination.

Judge Lord Ericht told the jurors: “It is estimated this trial will last for five weeks.”

The trial continues