Murder accused told police he "didn't touch" oil worker Steven Donaldson

Published 16th Apr 2019

A man accused of murdering Steven Donaldson told police he didn't 'touch the boy', a court has heard.

Steven Dickie, 24, told officers investigating the death of Steven Donaldson, 27, that he didn't take the offshore worker's life in Kirriemuir, Angus in June 2018.

A jury at the High Court in Edinburgh were played a video tape recording of an interview on Tuesday afternoon of Mr Dickie speaking to police officers investigating Mr Donaldson's death.

In the recording, Mr Dickie could be heard to say that his "best friend" and co accused Callum Davidson, 24, could substantiate his claims.

Mr Dickie told officers that his friend could help shortly after he was charged with murder by the police.

When asked by officers whether he could understand the charge, Mr Dickie replied: "I understand the charge but I did not murder him. It did not happen.

"I did not hit him. Callum should have my back on that."

The jurors heard the evidence on the afternoon of the 11th day of proceedings against Mr Dickie, Mr Davidson and Miss Glass.

The trio, who all come from Kirriemuir, deny murdering Miss Glass's former boyfriend in their hometown in June last year.

On Tuesday, the jury were played a tape recorded interview of Mr Dickie being quizzed by Police Scotland officers over his alleged role in the death of Mr Donaldson.

During the interview, Mr Dickie said his friend Mr Davidson took Mr Donaldson to a location in Kirriemuir and assaulted him.

Mr Dickie said: "He used some sort of bat thing... it had something sharp at the end of it."

He also denied assaulting Mr Donaldson.

Mr Dickie said: "I never touched the boy."

The jury could hear the police asking Mr Dickie whether he felt jealous about the relationship his co-accused Miss Glass had with Mr Donaldson.

Jurors had earlier heard that Mr Dickie told police he had sex with Miss Glass in the days before Mr Donaldson's death. They had also heard Miss Glass tell police that Mr Dickie was "jealous" and "possessive" of the relationship she had with Mr Donaldson.

But Mr Dickie denied feeling jealous saying that he and Miss Glass weren't "close".

He added: "It's far too early for that kind of s**t. I don't mind if she's in contact with that boy."

Prosecutors claim that between June 6 2018 and June 7 2018, Mr Dickie, Mr Davidson and Miss Glass arranged to meet Mr Donaldson at the Peter Pan play park in Kirriemuir and assaulted him there by repeatedly striking him with "unknown weapons".

It's alleged that Mr Donaldson was then "incapacitated" - the trio are then alleged to have taken Mr Donaldson to the nearby Loch of Kinnody nature reserve car park.

Once at the park, the Crown claims that Mr Donaldson was struck on the head and body with a knife, a baseball bat or similar instrument.

The trio are then alleged to have struck Mr Donaldson on the head and neck with an "unknown heavy bladed instrument".

They are then alleged to have set fire to Mr Donaldson and to his car.

Mr Dickie and Mr Davidson also face a number of other charges including assaults and behaving in a threatening or abusive manner.

The trio have pleaded not guilty to all charges.

The trial, before judge Lord Pentland, continues.