"Help is there if you need it" - Scottish Government announce mental health funding

Published 3rd May 2020
Last updated 3rd May 2020

A number of measures to support mental health during the coronavirus crisis have been announced, with Health Secretary Jeane Freeman telling Scots: Help is there if you need it.''

Speaking at the Scottish Government's daily coronavirus briefing in Edinburgh, she encouraged people to take advantage of mental health services if needed.

Figures released on Sunday showed a total of 1,571 patients have died in Scotland after testing positive for coronavirus, an increase of 12 since Saturday.

A total of 12,097 people have now tested positive for the virus in Scotland, a rise of 170 on the day before.

There are 1,666 people in hospital with confirmed or suspected Covid-19, with 99 in intensive care.

Ms Freeman noted this was the first time the number in intensive care had fallen below 100 since March 29.

She said: It's obviously very encouraging news.

It does show that the restrictions are working, but it also underlines the reasons why we need to stick to them.

So I want to thank all of you for the sacrifices you have made and I know will continue to make.

I know it is not easy, but I hope you are beginning to see, as we do, that those sacrifices are beginning to show results.''

As well as the previously announced ÂŁ200,000 for autism organisations, ÂŁ105,000 is being provided to Young Scot to create a range of digital content on mental wellbeing''.

A total of ÂŁ700,000 will be provided to The Spark, a charity which provides relationship counselling services, allowing them to expand their helpline.

Ms Freeman said: The most important message I want to get across today is simply this - help is there if you need it.

The NHS Inform website can help you to find the services that are best for you.

And the website clearyourhead.scot has advice and tips on how to maintain your mental wellbeing. So please reach out, help is there for you.''

Ms Freeman also outlined new measures to support people affected by drug use.

The Lord Advocate has relaxed rules around the use of naloxone, a drug which can reverse opiate overdoses.

A drug treatment called Buvidal is also being made more widely available, including in prisons.

This is a longer-acting drug treatment which would help to relieve pressure on prisons, the Health Secretary said.