Marischal Square completion time pushed back

Developer Muse planned for work to finish in July

Published 24th Jul 2017
Last updated 24th Jul 2017

Marischal Square is already dominating Aberdeen city centre - but we still don't have a date for the opening.

The flagship leisure, retail and office complex was due to be completed this month - but developer Muse say it'll now be later this summer.

And they've admitted less than half the space has been filled - but they insist that's not bad considering the North Sea slump

A Muse Developments spokesperson said: “Marischal Square is on target for completion later this summer and we are delighted with the levels of interest we and our commercial property agents are witnessing around the bar/restaurant and office space available.

“Of the 287,058 lettable space within the 300,000 sq ft development, we have already let 92,828 sq ft of space with a further 26,018 sq ft currently under offer. That total of 118,846 sq ft is more than 40% of the space available.

“Given the current economic climate, these figures represent significant progress and are in line with our belief that the development will deliver positive results for this key area of the city

Aberdeen Central MSP Kevin Stewart says the project hasn't gone according to plan.

He said: Anyone who passes by the project can see that it is nowhere near completion.

"In my opinion the entire Marischal Square project was a white elephant from the very start.

"I think that it's not gone particularly well, we know that health and safety have moved in on a number of occasions and that work has been halted."