Man charged over North East "bogus caller" incidents

Officers were alerted to a number of incidents at Peterhead and Aberdeen

Published 6th Nov 2017

A 34-year-old man has been charged in connection with 13 alleged 'bogus caller' incidents in Aberdeen and Peterhead involving the sale of cigarettes.

Officers were alerted to a number of incidents at Peterhead's School Road, Harbour Street, Copeman Avenue, Clerkhill Road, Uphill Lane, Mid Street and Catto Crescent, and Aberdeen's School Road and Baxter Court between August and October whereby an individual attended at residential properties offering goods for sale. Cash was taken but the cigarettes were never received.

A report will be submitted to the Procurator Fiscal and the man, from Peterhead, is expected to appear at Peterhead Sheriff Court tomorrow Tuesday 7th November.

DC Steven Young, who led the investigation, said: "I would like to thank the members of the community who provided information in connection with these enquiries."

He added: "I would also repeat my plea to the public to be wary of cold callers turning up at your door, offering to sell items and requesting payment up front. Remember if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

"Anyone with concerns can always contact Police Scotland on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 if you wish to remain anonymous."