Listen: North East MSP calls on Scottish government to support oil apprentices

Lewis MacDonald says more needs to be done to help oil and gas apprentices who have lost their jobs.

Published 18th Jul 2016

A North East MSP says more needs to be done to help oil and gas apprentices who have lost their jobs.

Labour's Lewis MacDonald says the last time the sector fell on hard times - companies struggled when it came to hiring again.

In a statement, he said: "The Scottish Government’s own figures show that 118 apprentices have been made redundant, but that 46% of them have not yet found new jobs and only 33% have found new employment through the SG’s adopt an Apprentice scheme.

“Nicola Sturgeon herself announced the enhanced Adopt an Apprentice scheme with great fanfare in January 2015.

"I am sure she will be disappointed that the initiative has been able to help so few of those apprentices made redundant since then."