LISTEN: Jeremy Corbyn says he'd be "open" to discussing a second independence referendum

Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn said in an interview with Bauer Media he would be "open" to discussions if he is elected Prime Minister on June 8th

Published 29th May 2017
Last updated 29th May 2017

Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn has said in an interview with Bauer Media he would be "open" to discussing a second independence referendum if he is elected Prime Minister on June 8th.

It comes as Nicola Sturgeon confirmed her first priority in any alliance with Labour would be consent for Indy Ref 2.

Speaking on television earlier, the First Minister again talked-up the possibility of propping up a Labour government in Westminster.

Listen to Jeremy Corbyn's comments here:

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson reacted to the comments and said: “Nicola Sturgeon is desperate for a second referendum and will do anything to get it - even putting Jeremy Corbyn into Number 10.

“The Labour leader has already said he's 'absolutely fine' with another referendum - so it looks like a sweetheart deal is in the offing.

“This might suit the two of them but it would be a disaster for Scotland – dragging us back to more division just at the moment when we need to move on, together.

“I will always stand up for the decision we made to stay part of the UK and a vote for the Scottish Conservatives will help me send Nicola Sturgeon a message - no to another referendum.”

Following our interview the Labour Party issued a statement clarifying its stance.

A spokesperson for Jeremy Corbyn said: "Jeremy Corbyn and Scottish Labour have repeatedly said that a second independence referendum is both unwanted and unnecessary.

"Labour firmly opposes a second independence referendum."