Listen: Former North Sea engineer seeks answers over two missing days

Andrew Hillan, 48, suffered hypothermia back in 1989

Published 12th Dec 2016

Can you help a former North Sea engineer remember two days which have been erased from his memory?

Andrew Hillan caught hypothermia after an accident working on HMS Shetland back in 1989.

From his account, there was a valve failure which meant that the ship started to flood at a rate of around 140-160 tonnes of water an hour.

Andrew and his colleagues were underwater in subzero water for around five minutes.

He says the next 48-hours are a total blank, as he can't even remember waking up in hospital.

Anyone who helped him has been asked to get in touch.

Our reporter Phil McDonald spoke to him over the phone.

While he admits it's a long shot, he says he's struggled with combat stress since it happened, and finding out what happened will help his recovery.

Andrew believes he may have been treated at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, and wants anyone with any knowledge of what happened to him to get in touch with Northsound.

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