Lifeboat lock vandalism 'could have cost lives'

Published 13th Nov 2017
Last updated 13th Nov 2017

Lifeboat crew attending for Saturday morning training in Aberdeen were shocked to find they could not gain access to their own lifeboat – because vandals had damaged the lock while trying to break in overnight.

The crew had to use power tools to cut off the damaged lock and hasp.

Aberdeen Lifeboat’s dock is in a secure area of Aberdeen Harbour which is covered by CCTV. It would appear the vandals attacked during Friday night.

Police Scotland were called and attended to gather evidence. The lifeboat was quickly returned to service.

Bill Deans, Lifeboat Operations Manager at Aberdeen lifeboat Station says: "This shocking, mindless act could easily have cost lives. Minutes matter in saving lives at sea.

"Imagine if the crew had been called out on a rescue overnight and had to cut their way into their own lifeboat. That delay could have prevented them from arriving in time to save a life."