Labour/Conservative administration "not a good example of successful working”, Ian Yuill

A Partnership between the SNP and Liberal Democrats was announced last week

Co-leader of Aberdeen City Council Ian Yuill
Author: Finlay JackPublished 24th May 2022

Co-leader of Aberdeen City Council Ian Yuill says that the SNP and Liberal Democrat Partnership will be a success, despite describing the former Labour and Conservative administration as "not a good example of successful working”.

The Partnership has raised eyebrows across the city, with the parties disagreeing on various constitutional issues, most notably Scottish Independence.

Despite this, Mr Yuill, who leads the Aberdeen Liberal Democrats, says that disagreements on national issues will be put to one side.

"We have an agreed Partnership Agreement which we are all bought into, all 24 of us, and we're all determined to deliver that for our city.

"Yes, there are lots of things on which Liberal Democrats and the SNP differ, not least the Constitution, but Aberdeen City Council doesn't decide the constitutional question.

"Ultimately, what we can make a difference in is Aberdeen schools, the quality of Aberdeen streets, providing council housing that's fit for purpose and enough quality houses for the people who are currently on the waiting list, tackling the local and global environmental challenges, and so on.

"Those are local issues, which we can do something about and we are committed as a partnership to do just that."

Mr Yuill also says that he doesn't expect Union Street to be pedestrianised under the new administration, until bus routes in the city are improved.

"We would love to see central Union Street pedestrianised but that can only happen when it's accessible to all and the current arrangements haven't been working.

"Central Union Street is not currently accessible if you're disabled, if you have to push a buggy or a wheelchair up Market Streets or Bridge Street.

"The other key thing for us is the bus diversion works and quite clearly, if you speak to the bus companies and bus passengers, they will tell you that the bus diversion along Bridge Street, Wapping Street, Guild Street and on Market Street, it just isn't working."