Labour manifesto includes vow to oppose IndyRef2

Labour's General Election manifesto will include a promise to oppose a second referendum on Scottish independence.

Published 16th May 2017

Labour's General Election manifesto will include a promise to oppose a second referendum on Scottish independence.

The document, to be launched by Jeremy Corbyn on Tuesday, will describe another ballot as unwanted and unnecessary''.

The Labour leader has previously said it would be wrong for Westminster to block a second referendum if the Scottish Parliament voted in favour of one.

The majority of Holyrood's MSPs have already backed First Minister Nicola Sturgeon's call for another vote in the wake of Brexit.

But Labour's manifesto is unequivocal in its opposition, as it seeks to capitalise on unionist support north of the border.

The party, which had just one Scottish MP before the election was called, has been pushed back to third place in Scotland behind the Tories, who have made rejecting another referendum central to their campaign.

Labour's manifesto states: Labour opposes a second Scottish independence referendum.

It is unwanted and unnecessary, and we will campaign tirelessly to ensure Scotland remains part of the UK. Independence would lead to turbo-charged austerity for Scottish families.''

Speaking ahead of the manifesto launch in West Yorkshire, Mr Corbyn said: Scotland doesn't need or want a second independence referendum.

We need the SNP Government to get on with the job of governing. The SNP Government should be using the existing powers of the Scottish Parliament to focus on jobs, grow the economy, help family incomes and invest in public services.

Holding another referendum on leaving the UK is the wrong thing to do for Scotland's economy, especially when there is so much economic uncertainty from the Tories' plans for a reckless Brexit.

Labour will campaign tirelessly to ensure Scotland remains part of the UK. Independence would lead to turbo-charged austerity for Scottish families.''

He will be joined at the event by Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale, who said: By voting Labour on June 8, Scots can tell Nicola Sturgeon that we don't want another divisive independence referendum.

Voters can reject a second referendum and deeper Tory cuts with one vote for Labour.

Voting Tory doesn't send Nicola Sturgeon a message - it sends Theresa May back to Number 10. A Labour government led by Jeremy Corbyn will work for the many, not the few.''

Scottish Conservative candidate John Lamont said: These words from Jeremy Corbyn will do nothing to reassure Scots who value our place in the UK.

Mr Corbyn may be reluctantly issuing words on independence now when Labour are tanking in the polls.

But the fact is he couldn't be bothered campaigning during the referendum, and has since said it's 'absolutely fine' for the SNP to have a second divisive separation vote.''