Jobs Boost Linked To Low Oil Prices

Low oil prices could boost employment by more than 90,000 over the next five years if prices remain at the 50 US dollars (ÂŁ33) a barrel level, a report has suggested.

Published 8th Mar 2015

Low oil prices could boost employment by more than 90,000 over the next five years if prices remain at the 50 US dollars (ÂŁ33) a barrel level, a report has suggested.

The study by PwC also claimed that continually low oil prices could boost the UK economy, with GDP forecast to rise by about 1% a year on average between 2015 and 2020.

The economic benefits could result in higher consumer spending and could see a slight narrowing of the UK's trade deficit, the research added.

It stated: In summary, lower oil prices should be positive for most sectors of the UK economy, households and the government.

But the scale of these benefits remains highly uncertain depending on how oil prices evolve from here.''

PwC considered the impact on the UK economy if oil prices remained at their current low level, recovered partially or returned to more than 100 US dollars (ÂŁ66) a barrel.

If prices remain at about 50 US dollars a barrel, the analysis suggested employment could increase by 91,000 by 2020.

The number of people in work could rise by 37,000 over the period if prices recovered to 73 US dollars (ÂŁ48) a barrel by 2020 while a return to 108 US dollars (ÂŁ71) a barrel would only result in a small increase in employment of 3,000.

The report said: The significant fall in oil prices since mid-2014 should increase overall UK economic activity as the cost of production decreases for businesses, especially for those that are heavily dependent on oil inputs. This will boost both investment and employment.

Although the oil and gas extraction sector is negatively affected by the reduction in the oil price, sectors such as agriculture, air transport, coke and refined petroleum manufacturing and oil-intensive manufacturing sectors will benefit as the price of their key input falls.''

It added: As a result of growing economic activity, government tax revenues also rise as the tax take from corporate and personal income taxes increase, more than offsetting declining revenues from the oil and gas sector.

The fall in the oil price should also have a small impact in narrowing the UK trade deficit.''

Consumers would also benefit, with lower oil prices leading to lower production costs, with the report suggesting a persistently low'' oil price of 50 US dollars a barrel could see household spending rise by ÂŁ372 a year in real terms between 2015 and 2020.

John Hawksworth, chief economist at PwC, said: Future oil prices remain highly uncertain, so businesses would be well advised to look at alternative scenarios.

In our central case, where oil prices rise back gradually to 73 US dollars per barrel by 2020, we project UK GDP to be around 0.5% higher on average over the next five years and employment around 40,000 higher in 2020 than if oil prices had remained at mid-2014 levels.

If the oil price were instead to settle at 50 US dollars per barrel, however, then the eventual boost to UK employment could be more than twice as large as this at around 90,000 in 2020.

Real household incomes also rise as oil prices fall, which increases consumer spending.

As a result of growing economic activity, we expect that government tax revenues will rise as the tax take from corporate and personal income taxes increases by more than the loss of North Sea oil and gas revenues.

Lower oil prices should therefore have a positive impact for most sectors of the economy, households and the government, but the scale of these benefits remain highly uncertain depending on how oil prices evolve from here.

Of course, this does pose important challenges for the North Sea oil industry that the Chancellor should bear in mind in making Budget decisions.''