Jeremy Corbyn calls on Scottish voters to reject 'vicious' Tories

He gave a speech in Aviemore on Monday

Jeremy Corbyn addressing the STUC Congress in Aviemore
Published 24th Apr 2017

Jeremy Corbyn has pleaded with Scots to reject the "vicious'' Tories in the forthcoming general election - which he said was a choice between the "people and the powerful''.

The Labour leader insisted he was fighting to win the June 8 election, pledging his party would offer an "economic and political alternative'' to Theresa May's Conservatives.

While the stakes were "high'' for Britain, he said the choice facing the country "could not be clearer''.

Mr Corbyn used a visit to Scotland to make clear only his party or the Tories could form a government, with his speech in Aviemore in the Highlands focused on attacking Mrs May's party.

Addressing the Scottish Trades Union Congress on his first visit of the campaign north of the border, he stressed Labour "are standing for the many and not the few''.

As a result of that, he pledged: "One of the very first things we will do when forming our Labour government will be to repeal the Tory Trade Union Act, giving working people the rights to collectively organise and make their lives better, safer and more content.''

Among other measures, the controversial legislation introduced by David Cameron's government brought in a threshold for workers voting in strike ballots for action to be legal.

Mr Corbyn went on: "While the timing of the election is unexpected, the choice is very, very clear and the stakes are very, very high.

"Let no-one be in any doubt: we are in this election to win it and we will fight for every seat in every corner of this islands.

"The dividing lines in this election could not be clearer from the outset - it is the Conservative Party, the party of privilege and the richest, versus the Labour Party, the party that is standing up for working people to improve the lives of all.

"That is the real choice.

"Only us or the Tories can form a government and I implore people in Scotland to fight for the party of progress and not the vicious Tory party, who alongside their previous coalition partners the Lib Dems unleashed an unprecedented attack on the working people in this country.''

The Labour leader continued: "The choice facing this country in this election is clear - it's the people versus the powerful.

"Labour will challenge the rigged system that is holding our country back.

"In this election, Labour will offer hope to the nurse, the teacher, the small trader, the carer, the builder, the office worker, the bus driver, the factory worker, the farm worker, in any situation.

"We will provide the change and the transformative policy programme that puts power and opportunity in people's hands.

"We will fight this election offering a positive vision for our country, we will present to the British people an economic and political alternative, and a promise that we will make our country work for the many and not the few.''