Indian-born Aberdonian says he's never been racially abused playing cricket

A report found Cricket Scotland to be institutionally racist

Author: Finlay JackPublished 26th Jul 2022

An Aberdeen based cricketer, originally from Southern India, says he has never experienced racism from Cricket Scotland or within the game after playing for more than 20 years.

Nikhil George Ninan plays for Stoneywood-Dyce CC, currently the highest ranked club across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire.

Ninan has spent most of his life in the area after originally coming over to study more than two decades ago.

"If someone asked me for my point of view I would say there isn't racism, which is very contradictory to what the report says.

"I've done coaching courses with Cricket Scotland and never thought there was any racism there.

"Don't get me wrong, I have had racial abuse, but not at cricket.

"When I've been on the field and representing any of the teams I've had the privilege of playing for, I've never had racial abuse."

The report has placed the Western District Cricket Union (WDCU) under special measures, as well as recommending a club in Glasgow is placed under special measures immediately.

Ninan added: "I wasn't expecting that the review would come and say that there is institutional racism within Cricket Scotland, but again that's just my experience.

"It's a very individual experience what people go through, so it's very difficult to paint things with a broad brush and label an institution as institutionally racist which is why I'm shocked.

"My interpretation of institutional racism is that's what they treat everybody like based on their race, and that's not been my experience at all."

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