Independence campaigners evicted from outside Holyrood

They had been camped there for almost a year.

Published 4th Nov 2016

Independence campaigners who've been camped outside the Scottish Parliament for almost a year have been evicted.

The so-called Indy Camp was set up in November of last year by protestors who vowed to stay there until Scotland became independent.

A lengthy - and often bizarre - legal battle followed as Parliament officials tried to move them on.

Some campaigners tried to claim they had a right to be there as they'd been given permission from Jesus Christ himself.

They told a court they were holding a "spiritual" vigil, and also tried to call the Queen as a witness.

Their case was dismissed by a judge, and a subsequent appeal failed.

This morning officials, watched over by police, moved in to clear the ramshackle site of tents and caravans.