All Holyrood Staff Paid Living Wage

All staff working at the Scottish Parliament are guaranteed to be paid the Living Wage, Presiding Officer Tricia Marwick has announced.

Published 3rd Dec 2014

All staff working at the Scottish Parliament are guaranteed to be paid the Living Wage, Presiding Officer Tricia Marwick has announced.

While workers directly employed by Holyrood already receive the wage, those employed by contractors - including cleaning and catering staff - will now also benefit.

The decision, which has been endorsed by the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body, means they will receive an hourly rate of at least ÂŁ7.85 from January 1.

The Scottish Parliament has now formally been accredited by the Living Wage Foundation as a Living Wage Employer.

Mrs Marwick said: I am delighted that - as an employer - the Parliament has moved to ensure the Living Wage guarantee now extends to all staff who work directly at the Parliament.''

Around 26 cleaning and catering staff are expected to see their wages rise as a result, with the Presiding Officer adding: The cost of meeting this commitment is relatively small in financial terms but is hugely symbolic to employees and employers alike.

Ensuring that employees receive decent pay and conditions is the hallmark of a good employer and I hope that our decision will encourage other organisations across Scotland to make the same commitment to their staff.''

Peter Kelly, director of the Poverty Alliance, welcomed the move and said: We are delighted that the Scottish Parliament have joined the Living Wage Employer movement by becoming an accredited Living Wage Employer.

The accreditation of such a symbolic employer demonstrates that the Living Wage is a well-regarded concept that has benefits for individuals, employers and wider society.

We hope the leadership shown by the Scottish Parliament will encourage other employers to consider how they support staff who are on lower wages, and to move towards becoming Living Wage Employers.''