Hamilton To Stand Down At Election

Published 24th Jan 2015

Labour MP for Midlothian David Hamilton has announced he is to stand down at the general election. Mr Hamilton said he feels the time is right for him to stand aside after 14 years and allow the party to select a younger member with new ideas. In a letter to local Scottish Labour party members he also said he wants to spend more time with his wife, children and grandchildren. Mr Hamilton is currently the Scottish Labour Whip in the House of Commons. He is a former miner and campaigned tirelessly to compensate ex-miners suffering from work related medical conditions. In the letter he said he was making the announcement with a great deal of pride, tinged with some considerable sadness''. He wrote:I believe that it is the right time for me to stand aside to allow the Labour Party in Midlothian to select a younger member, with fresh ideas and the hunger to meet the challenges of this changed landscape." All my married life, I have spent long periods of time away from home, either on union or political business. Now, given that I will be 70 by the end of the next parliament, I owe it to my wife, my children and my grandchildren, who have always supported me, to give them the time that they deserve."I have enjoyed the role as MP, even though it was not a position I sought or expected to get. I have been immensely proud to serve in a Labour government that significantly changed how we live and part of the wider Labour movement since my youth, having served as Monktonhall pit delegate, councillor for Woodburn and MP for Midlothian since 2001, following my friend and colleague Eric Clarke, who retired due to ill health.'' He added: Labour have won three elections in a row here: the European Parliament contest, the referendum and our latest by-election victory."I am confident that this resurgence will continue with a new face at the helm and that - come May - the candidate we go on to select will become my successor as Member of Parliament for Midlothian.'' Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy praised Mr Hamilton and offered his best wishes for the future. He said: Davie Hamilton is a gentle giant of the Labour movement."He is a former miner and the current Labour whip for Scotland who goes about his politics with a real integrity." As a whip he has not been able to speak in Parliament yet his campaigning for justice for miners has given a voice to the injustice of blacklisting."He has served Midlothian brilliantly for the past 14 years. I'd like to wish Davie, Jean and their family all the very best. Midlothian's next MP has huge shoes to fill. '' Shadow Scottish secretary Margaret Curran tweeted: Sorry to hear Davie Hamilton MP is standing down. A fantastic MP and a real loss to parliament. A hero in @scottishlabour.''