Funnyman Howard is a stand-up guy

Russell shocks young carers at Mackie Academy as he unveils fund-raising mural

Author: Clyde NewsPublished 24th Sep 2019

Comedian Russell Howard gave pupils in Mackie Academy’s ‘Young Carers’ group a bit of a shock this weekend – when he showed up to unveil a mural, which was painted to raise money for a weekend get-away for the youngsters.

Howard himself was a carer for his brother in his youth, and the school said the stand-up was more than happy to come along following his gig at the P&J Live on Friday evening to lend a hand to an issue he feels passionately about.

Bricks on the mural – which has several local landmarks included on it, as well as a turtle, which is supposed to represent young carers – were sold to individual people and businesses.

10.members of the group will head off on their trip in October for a weekend filled with outdoor activities. The school says they have up to 38 carers currently attending – and believe they probably have more pupils who are likely caring for loved ones but don’t realise or openly admit they fall into that bracket.

More money than is required has been raised, so the remaining funds will be used to organise events closer to home for those who can’t leave their caring duties for a whole weekend.

Teacher Fiona Beeley leads the ‘Mackie Academy Young Carers’ she said:

“They are super excited. One or two of the young people don’t go away, because of their family circumstances, they don’t really get out of Stonehaven at all.”

On their celebrity guest, Beeley said:

“He was super, really Chatty, really nice, really interested in everybody. Made all of the young folk feel really special.”

The guidance teacher also explained the thinking being the lesser spotted in Stonehaven turtle, saying:

“One of the lads came up with a turtle. When you’re a young carer you are carrying a kind of burden – like a turtles’ shell – and you’re also hidden from the world and you put up a kind of barrier between yourself and others at times.