Free School Meals On Menu

Published 3rd Jan 2015

Every early years primary school child will get a free meal from tomorrow thanks to a multimillion-pound Government handout which is expected to save families at least ÂŁ330 a year, the SNP has confirmed. All pupils in primary one to primary three will be entitled to a free school meal, at a cost of over ÂŁ95 million to the Scottish Government's revenue and capital funding. The policy has been supported by campaigning organisations across civic Scotland including Child Poverty Action Group Scotland, One Parent Families Scotland, trade unions and Children in Scotland. Speaking ahead of the free school meal rollout, SNP MSP George Adam said: That all P1-P3 children will be entitled to a free school meal is a major step forward, and is a policy which will benefit pupils and their families alike."We all know that the early years of a child's life are the most crucial and can shape their habits for a lifetime - so ensuring our children have access to a healthy lunch could see real improvements in Scotland's public health in the future." Ensuring the youngest pupils in our schools have access to healthy and nutritious lunches can also play an important role in improving attainment and helping pupils to achieve their best in class."As well as helping our children to be healthier and achieve more in school, this policy will also provide a real boost to family budgets in tough financial times - with families benefiting to the tune of ÂŁ330 per year for every eligible child." That 135,000 children will now have access to a healthy, free school meal is another example of the Scottish Government taking real action to make our country a better place - and I am very proud that it is the SNP who are taking this important measure forward.''