Fraserburgh woman tells court man accused of murdering her father made threats on bus

Sharon Graham was giving evidence at the trial of Barry Henderson

Published 18th Aug 2017

A woman’s told a jury that the man accused of murdering her father threatened her on a bus.

Sharon Graham, 38, told the High Court in Glasgow that Barry Henderson said: “You'll end up the same as your dad.'

She was giving evidence at the trial of Barry Henderson, 42, who denies deliberately setting fire to the property at 74 High Street, Fraserburgh, and murdering 43-year-old Gordon Graham and attempting to murder his wife Anne, on May 3, 1998.

The court was told that Henderson was on a bus from Peterhead to Fraserburgh on November 4, 2016, not long after he was accused of the murder of Mr Graham.

At Crimond, Ms Graham and her husband Gary Clampett got on the bus and words were exchanged.

The court heard a recording which was taped by Henderson on his mobile phone during the bus journey.

It did not include the threat which Ms Graham claimed was made and she told the jury: 'I can't understand that.”

She added: “It was a shock seeing him on the bus. He had just been charged with murder. “

Prosecutor Jim Keegan QC asked Ms Graham: “What did you expect would happen what was he to do,” and she replied: “Under the circumstances a normal human being would maybe stand up and go the the top of the bus – move away.”

She told the jury that she said to Henderson: “How dare you look me in the eyes knowing you murdered my dad.”

She then moved away with her baby who was in a pram to the back of the bus.

Ms Graham added: “I was hysterical. I moved away from him. I couldn't stop shaking. I was emotional.

She told the jurors that most of the journey she was on the phone to her mother Anne asking her to meet her when the bus got into Fraserburgh. She said: “I was upset. I wanted my mum there.”

Ms Graham denied a suggestion by defence QC Brian McConnachie that on the bus Henderson had been threatened by her husband and Joseph Martin and that her husband had assaulted him

She said: “Gary never assaulted him, he would have told me.”

The court heard that Mr Clampett has died and Joseph Martin is accused of murdering him.

Ms Graham was asked by defence QC Brian McConnachie: “Mr Henderson was on the bus on his own why should he threaten you in the presence of your husband and friends,” and she replied: “I was sitting on my own with my daughter. My husband was at the front of the bus.”

Mr McConnachie then said: “Mr Clampett and Mr Martin are no strangers to the jail,” and she agreed.

The court heard that Mr Clampett received five years for a High Court conviction for assault to severe injury.

Mr McConnachie said: “From what we hear on the tape are discussions which take place between Josie Martin, and Barry Henderson and then your husband becomes involved and you told us Josie Martin is on remand for the murder of your husband,” and she replied: “Yes.”

The QC then stated: “We hear you say to Barry Henderson every jail in Scotland, all the lifers with nothing to lose. That's you threatening him that he will be killed by people in prison, “ and Ms Graham replied: “I said it. I'm not threatening him personally..”

Mr McConnachie responded: “It's still a threat,” and she answered: “Not from me directly.”

Henderson is also accused of assaulting a woman in a nightclub in Fraserburgh, by kicking her on the leg and attempting to punch her, and of committing a breach of the peace at a nearby car park on May 3, 1998.

He also faces another charge that he behaved in a threatening manner on a bus between Crimond and Fraserburgh last November.

Henderson denies all the charges against him and has lodged special defences of alibi and incrimination.

The trial before Lord Ericht continues