Fourteen charged over anti-social behaviour in Shire

Published 11th Jun 2018

Fourteen people were charged over the weekend as part of an ongoing operation to tackle violence and anti-social behaviour across the south of Aberdeenshire.

Local officers and Special Constables working alongside officers from the Divisional Alcohol and Violence Reduction Unit (DAVRU) targeted areas where violence and anti-social behaviour has been reported in the past during their dedicated Weekend Policing patrols in towns and villages.

In Stonehaven two 42-year-old men were charged in connection with alleged assaults in the town centre while men aged 29, 25 and 22 were charged in connection with anti-social behaviour incidents. A 37-year old man was also charged in connection with an alleged assault in Portlethen.

In Banchory three men – aged 62, 27, and 20 - were each charged in connection with separate alleged assaults while a 20-year old male driver was also charged in connection with the alleged manner of his driving in the town centre and issued with an Anti-social Behaviour Warning.

In Inverurie a 40-year-old man was charged in connection with an alleged assault and shopliftings. A 38-year old man and two men aged 23 and 22 were also each charged in connection with alleged anti-social behaviour in the town centre.

Officers also undertook 60 licensed premises checks during the weekend period.

Local Area Commander Chief Inspector Murray Main said: "We know the vast majority of people go out at the weekend to have fun and enjoy themselves. Unfortunately - and despite repeated warnings of the potential consequences of acting aggressively or committing anti-social behaviour - a small minority of individuals continue to let themselves and others down as a result of their unacceptable and often alcohol-fuelled actions.

“Violent crime in the south of Aberdeenshire has fallen by over 17% compared to this time last year, meaning there have been 30 less victims. The impact of alcohol-related violence and associated anti-social behaviour can be felt throughout communities and while Aberdeenshire remains one of the safest areas to live or visit, like elsewhere our town centres can also attract a small number of individuals who are unable to behave or are intent on causing trouble.

“We will not be complacent and as this weekend shows, there remains much work to be done. This weekly operation builds on our promise to target those responsible for committing crime within our communities and we will continue to work hard with our partners and those involved in the night time economy to ensure the area remains safe for people to enjoy themselves.

“We all have a responsibility to do our bit though and your actions are your responsibility. Injuries sustained as a consequence of alcohol-related violence are often facial and can be life changing for victims, offenders and their families. Just one punch can kill someone - it's really not worth it."