Former addict 'live-streaming from grave' in east Belfast

A former drug and alcohol addict is live-streaming from a specially built coffin buried at an east Belfast church.

John Edwards is live streaming from a specially-built coffin in east Belfast.
Published 1st Mar 2017
Last updated 3rd Mar 2017

John Edwards is the man behind the idea, which aims to reach out to people suffering with their mental health.

The 62-year-old was buried four feet under the ground on Wednesday afternoon and won't resurface until Friday.

Pipes have been built into the coffin to allow food and clothing to be passed through to the Dubliner.

John carried out the same feat last year and said it was mentally draining.

"After two days in such a confined space, and listening to people's problems, I really wanted to get out," he said.

A fake gravestone has been completed promoting John's charity.

"You begin to get mentally and spiritually tired.

"I can promise you, after 72 hours last time, I was very relieved to resurrect again, if I can use that word."

However, he says there is more to the whole project than simply trying to draw attention to himself.

"I really hope people see it for what it is," he said.

John will be in the grave until Friday afternoon.

"It's not just some mad Dublin guy coming to make a name for himself.

"I'm here for three days to live in this coffin to bring words of life from the grave and I hope that I'll be able to help some people as well."

His message is centred around offering advice from the grave, drawing on the experience gained from his own troubled life, in order to try and prevent others from ending up in their own graves.

"I don't have all the answers and I don't pretend that I do," he said.

Holes have been cut to allow pipes into the coffin.

"But having navigated drug addiction, and a a liver transplant, that I had 11 years ago, having navigated cancer twice and Hepatitis C and having faced death, I was given four months to live three years ago, I've been there in many ways.

"I've come out the far side and I believe that this experience that I've had in my life will help many other people as well.

"My overall message is that there is no such thing as a hopeless case."