First Minister will not meet Donald Trump during US visit

Nicola Sturgeon will not meet Donald Trump when she visits the United States next month.

President Donald Trump
Published 29th Mar 2017

Nicola Sturgeon will not meet Donald Trump when she visits the United States next month.

A spokeswoman for the First Minister confirmed the trip is "business focused" and Ms Sturgeon has "no agreement" to meet the president.

Prime Minister Theresa May held talks with the controversial American when she was in Washington in January, with Mr Trump pictured taking her hand outside the White House.

Ms Sturgeon is due to fly to America on Sunday and will spend time in California and New York.

When asked if she would be meeting Mr Trump, a spokeswoman for the First Minister said she has no plans to do so and that it is "purely a business-focused visit".

The spokeswoman added: "There are no plans for the First Minister to meet Donald Trump when she is in the States. She has no agreement to meet with the president of the US.

"This is a business-focused trip... all focused on bringing investment back to Scotland."

Mr Trump owns two golf resorts in Scotland, and Ms Sturgeon's spokeswoman said the "First Minister is looking to build on new opportunities to bring further investment back here".

Ms Sturgeon is due to carry out a number of engagements aimed at boosting business between Scotland and the US in the technology, tourism and food and drink sectors.

She is also scheduled to give a major speech on Scotland's place in the world at Stanford University in California, and will speak at the United Nations on Scottish Government efforts to support women in areas of conflict, including Syria.