First Minister says "disillusionment" behind Brexit vote as she urges end to austerity

Nicola Sturgeon has blamed a sense of “disenfranchisement and disillusionment” for the UK's vote to leave the EU.

Published 27th Sep 2016

Nicola Sturgeon has blamed a sense of “disenfranchisement and disillusionment” for the UK's vote to leave the EU.

Scotland's First Minister also urged Chancellor Philip Hammond to abandon his predecessor George Osborne's austerity programme in order to address the feeling of “inequality” and “powerlessness” behind Brexit.

Speaking at the Institute of Directors' annual convention at London's Royal Albert Hall, Ms Sturgeon said: “We're working with business to create a society where the benefits of economic growth are shared more equally, so that future growth is stronger and more sustainable.

“I think the EU referendum shows it is more important than ever.

“I'm proud of the fact that Scotland voted strongly to remain in the EU. But I can't ignore the fact that, even in Scotland, a million people voted to leave.

“They didn't think the EU benefited them, and see the advantages of free trade and free movement.”

She said there were “many, many causes” for people voting to Leave, such as doubts about the EU as an organisation.

She added: “But in part, I think Brexit was a product of a sense of disenfranchisement and disillusionment.

“It was borne of inequality, of feelings of powerlessness, of austerity budgets which hurt public services and social safety nets that so many people rely on.

“One of the consequences of the referendum, I think, must be a new effort, and I hope it's given real substance in the UK Government's autumn statement, to ensure the benefits of growth and globalisation are more fairly distributed.”

Ms Sturgeon said remaining a member of the single market after Brexit "will be crucial to businesses and communities in Scotland".

But she acknowledged that certain aspects of single market membership, such as freedom of movement, "will not satisfy everyone".

She said there was "a strong democratic justification for retaining singe market membership", adding: "I don't believe there is a clear mandate for what is generally known as a hard Brexit.

"Single market membership seems to me to be the most obvious consensus position we should try to work towards.

"I deeply regret the outcome of the referendum. But I do not want to see the UK Government compound the mistakes of the EU referendum during the negotiations, and end up in a position which is much harder than the one we needed to end up in."

She added that the strategy for the Scottish Government was to build an economy based on exports, innovation, high skills and increased productivity.

Ms Sturgeon also repeated her stance that a fresh vote on independence cannot be ruled out.

"In many ways, EU membership is now part of Scotland's sense of itself," she said.

"I've made it clear that a referendum on Scottish independence must remain an option, if the approach taken by the Westminster Government proves to be seriously damaging to our economy, our competitiveness and to our place in the world.

"If independence is the only, or the best, way of protecting our interests, then it stands to reason that that is an option we must have the ability to consider."

Ms Sturgeon later defended the uncertainty any second referendum could cause businesses.

She said the independence vote had been seen by some as a vote between the certainty of remaining in the UK against the uncertainty of Scottish independence.

"That certainty and stability of the UK is no longer an argument that I think has as much resonance as it might have done for some back then," she said.