First Minister Nicola Sturgeon seeks second independence referendum

Ms Sturgeon said the vote could be held in autumn 2018 at the earliest.

Published 13th Mar 2017
Last updated 15th Mar 2017

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon says she plans to trigger another independence referendum.

Ms Sturgeon said the vote could be held in autumn 2018 at the earliest.

Speaking at Bute House in Edinburgh she said: “In my view it is important that Scotland is able to exercise the right to choose our own future at a time when the options are clearer than they are now, but before it is too late to decide our own path.”

Since the UK vote to leave the European Union, Ms Sturgeon has repeatedly said a second independence referendum is “highly likely”.

Scots voted 62% to 38% to remain the EU while the UK as a whole voted to leave.

Ms Sturgeon said: “The timing of the Brexit negotiations are not within the control of the Scottish Government. However, we must plan on the basis of what we do know now and what we know is that on the timetable set out by the Prime Minister, the shape of the Brexit deal will become clear in the autumn of next year ahead of ratification votes by other EU countries.

“That is therefore the earliest point at which a referendum would be appropriate.”

Ms Sturgeon had called for Scotland to be given a “differentiated deal” which would see the country remain part of the European single market through membership of the European Economic Area, but said the UK Government has refused to compromise.

She said Theresa May and the UK Government had been given “every opportunity” to compromise but had “not moved even an inch”.

The First Minister said appeals have been met with a “brick wall of intransigence”.

Next week, Ms Sturgeon is to ask the Scottish Parliament for permission to request a Section 30 order from Westminster - required to allow a referendum to be held.

She said she wanted a vote to be held between the autumn of 2018 and spring 2019, with the choice between “a hard Brexit” and independence which would “secure a real partnership of equals with the rest of the UK and our own relationship with Europe”.

Ms Sturgeon said: “The Scottish Government's mandate for offering this choice is beyond doubt.

“So next week I will seek the approval of the Scottish Parliament to open discussions with the UK Government on the details of a Section 30 order - the procedure that will enable the Scottish Parliament to legislate for an independence referendum.”