First 60-Tonne Steel Beam For Don Crossing Lifted Into Place

Published 9th Jul 2015

The first of the huge steel beams for the Third Don Crossing was today lifted into place over the River Don.

The 60-tonne beam was manoeuvred into place by a 1,000-tonne specially-constructed crane after it was delivered to the Tillydrone site two weeks ago.

Finance, Policy and Resources Committee Vice-Convener Councillor Ross Thomson said: “This is a huge step forward in the construction of the Third Don Crossing.

“The bridge will make such a difference for residents and visitors getting around Aberdeen along with commuters travelling in from the north, and it is very gratifying to finally see the bridge taking shape.

“This is an important and significant step in the construction of a major piece of infrastructure for Aberdeen.”

The beam was secured into place to the already-constructed abutments.

A viewing area on Gordon Mills Road was specially constructed so people can watch the steel beams being lifted into place and other progress at the site.

The south beams will be lifted into place this week and the north ones next week.

The Third Don Crossing will see the construction of a new single carriageway link road between the Parkway/Whitestripes Road junction and the Tillydrone Avenue/St Machar Drive junctions, including the construction of the new bridges.

Work started in August 2014 and the contract completion date is expected in January 2016.