Famous Aberdeen street to shine once again

Union Street is getting a clean up as the city council begins to roll out its Masterplan.

Published 1st Sep 2016

One of Aberdeen's most famous streets will soon be back to its best.

Union Street is getting a clean up as the city council begins to roll out its Masterplan.

They're going to be repairing old granite buildings and washing down surfaces.

Council leader Councillor Jenny Laing said: “Operation Union Street Rejuvenation is something everybody can get behind and represents yet another major step forward for the City Centre Masterplan, which will transform Aberdeen over the next 25 years.

“The Rejuvenation programme promises to bring benefits for all – residents, visitors, businesses and investors – and once under way will help revive civic pride in the fabulous asset that is Union Street.”

Deputy city council leader Councillor Marie Boulton, who chairs the cross-party City Centre Regeneration Board, said: “Many people who took part in the City Centre Masterplan consultation asked that Union Street be made a priority project.

“We responded to that call by agreeing a package of works totalling more than £1 million to clean and enhance the historic heart of our city.

“We want to bring Union Street back to the standard expected for the main thoroughfare of a leading energy city through an increase in economic and social activity. This is the start of a journey to transform Union Street and the rest of the city along with it.”

Adrian Watson, chief executive of Aberdeen Inspired said: “We are delighted to be playing a part in the transformation of Union Street through our partnership with Aberdeen City Council. We believe that the significant funding from the council, along with assistance and ideas from Aberdeen Inspired will combine to make crucial improvements that are needed.

“Operation Union Street Rejuvenation is a fantastic example of organisations such as Aberdeen Inspired and the city council working together to make a difference. It is our goal to bring back a sense of pride to Union Street and we are confident this can be achieved through this project.”