Ex-Police inspector claims death of his wife was an accident

Keith Farquharson is accused of murdering his wife, Alice, in Aberdeen last August.

Author: Lewis MichiePublished 17th Feb 2020
Last updated 17th Feb 2020

A retired police inspector from Aberdeen has today told a court in Glasgow that his wife's death was an accident.

60.year-old Keith Farquharson initially claimed he'd heard a noise while showering and returned to find his wife, 56-year-old Alice, unresponsive.

He now says her injuries were sustained after a struggle in bed where he placed his hand over her mouth.

He says the argument happened after his wife asked him if he loved her and became annoyed that he didn't show enough affection.

The ex-police inspector also says his wife didn't trust him, he admits having had affairs with three other women.

Farquharson claims he lied because of the guilt of what happened - but maintains he did not try to kill his wife of 33 years.

A request for a guilty plea to the lesser charge of culpable homicide was previously rejected.

He recalling getting up on the morning of the alleged murder and Alice asking was he awake.

Farquharson went on: “A few minutes later, she said: 'Do you love me?'

“I replied yes and she said: 'You never tell me'. I probably groaned a bit as that was something she said to me frequently.

“She then slapped me quite hard on the side of the face.”

His QC Ian Duguid asked: “Did you intend to kill her?”

Farquharson: “No, not at all. It was totally accidental. I wish it never happened.”

The trial at Glasgow high court continues.