Electoral Commission use Snapchat to encourage young people to vote

It comes ahead of the local government elections on the 4th of May

Published 10th Apr 2017
Last updated 10th Apr 2017

The Electoral Commission has enlisted social media app Snapchat in an attempt to encourage young voters to register for the local government elections.

A new voter registration "geofilter'' has been launched to remind users to register for the May 4 vote before the deadline on Monday April 17.

The filter, or art overlay, can be added to images taken and shared through the social network.

Next month marks the first Scotland-wide set of council elections that 16 and 17-year-olds are eligible to vote in but research by the Electoral Commission shows that young people are less likely to be registered than older voters.

Only 69% of 18-34 year-olds are correctly registered across Britain compared to 96% of those aged 65 and over.

Andy O'Neill, head of the Electoral Commission in Scotland, said: "Working with Snapchat gives us a fantastic opportunity to reach a typically under-registered audience and let young people in Scotland know that they can use their voice in these elections.

"However, they need to be registered by April 17. It only takes a few minutes to register at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote.''

The commission is also working with social networks Facebook and Nextdoor to encourage voter registration.