Drop in North East congestion as AWPR work continues

There's been improvement in the Granite City, but you might not have noticed it

Author: Bekki ClarkPublished 6th Feb 2018

Now, it may not seem like it some mornings, but Aberdeen's traffic jams have got smaller since construction of the AWPR got underway.

Figures on congestion show a 20 percent improvement in traffic flow last year around the city.

Northsound’s very own Travel Pete said: “I wouldn’t say that the level of traffic has reduced.

“There have been significant roadworks due to the construction of AWPR, we’ve seen long delays on the A90 around Stonehaven and towards Charleston, regular delays near Maryculter Bridge and Dyce is still as busy as ever during those peak travel times”

They also show the UK was the 10th most congested country in the world, with drivers spending 31 hours on average stuck in rush hour traffic, costing the typical motorist £1,168, according to traffic information supplier Inrix.

This takes into account direct costs such as wasted fuel and time as well as indirect consequences including higher prices for household goods due to increased freighting fees being passed on to consumers.

Three of Scotland's big cities saw major improvements in traffic flow, with congestion down 20% in Aberdeen, 15% in Glasgow, and 10% in Edinburgh.

This follows the completion of road projects such as improving the M8, M73 and M74 in Lanarkshire while a bypass in Aberdeen is almost finished.

Inrix chief economist Dr Graham Cookson said: "Journeys have got better because of the combination of new roads and the end of roadworks,''

The city or town with the worst jams was London, followed by Manchester, Birmingham, Luton and Edinburgh.

London is Europe's second most congested location after Moscow, with drivers spending an average of 74 hours in gridlock last year, up one hour on 2016.

Dr Cookson said "The cost of congestion is astonishing.

"It takes billions out of the economy and impacts businesses and individuals.

"The average figure for London is £2,430. That's many times more than what it costs me to insure my car and the cost of the fuel I put in it.