Drive in coronavirus testing centre to open at Aberdeen Airport

It will be for NHS workers on an appointment only basis.

Published 10th Apr 2020

A facility is being set up at Aberdeen Airport to test NHS staff and carers for coronavirus.

The drive through centre will operate on an appointment only basis for self-isolating key NHS workers, or the symptomatic member of their family. These NHS workers will be selected and contacted directly by their NHS Trust.

It's one of several partnerships between the Government and universities, research institutes and companies to begin rollout of the network of new labs and field testing sites across the UK, with 15 new testing centres opened already.

They'll provide thousands more swab tests, which are used to identify if you currently have the virus, for critical key workers – starting with NHS front line staff. It will allow those who test negative for coronavirus can return to work as soon as possible.

Scotland Office Minister Douglas Ross said, “This new UK Government-funded testing centre at Aberdeen Airport will help our frontline NHS staff continue doing their lifesaving work. We need them able to go back to work and help those most in need of care, safe in knowledge they are not infected. The UK Government is expanding our testing capacity right across the UK and this new centre is a crucial part of that."

Steve Szalay, Aberdeen International Airport’s managing director, said: “The national response to this global pandemic has been nothing short of remarkable. We have seen a wide and diverse range of businesses make their services and expertise available in the fight against this virus and we were keen to help in any way.

“We are in regular contact with both the UK and Scottish governments as Aberdeen Airport continues to both support lifeline passenger flights and essential oil and gas services, however, we’ve also stressed that we were ready to offer support and make our facilities available.

“The Park and Depart facility on Wellheads Road is an ideal space for a testing facility and we were more than happy to make it available given COVID-19 impacts us all.”