Dozens of cars vandalised in Stonehaven

Thousands of pounds of damage was caused

Thousands of pounds of damage has been caused to vehicles in Stonehaven.

Between 4.30pm on 19th April and 4pm on 24th April seven vehicles were targeted resulting in damage worth £1270. The vehicles had been parked in the Arduthie Road, Evan Street, Princess Road and Carronhall.

In addition between 2.30pm on 30 April and 2.30am on 1 May five vehicles and one greenhouse were vandalised resulting in damage worth £1140. The damage happened in the Montrose Road, Trenchard Walk, Norfolk Terrace and King Street areas.

A car was also vandalised at Brickfield Road, Stonehaven, between 12 -13 April. The damage is estimated to be around £400.

PC Wayne Smart said: "A considerable amount of damage has been caused to these vehicles which is upsetting for those affected as well as costly. A variety of damage has been caused including windows, windscreens and wing mirrors being broken and smashed and the vehicles have also been scratched.

"We would like to appeal to anyone who may have information or who has seen anything suspicious in the areas where the damage has happened to contact police on 101."