Design for 'Northern Light' arc revealed in Aberdeen

It's been put forward by Vanguard

Author: Phil McDonaldPublished 6th Dec 2017

There are plans to create a huge beacon in Aberdeen to try and attract more tourists.

The 'Northern Light' arc could strech over the city's harbour and be lit up at night.

It's influenced by other landmarks which have proved to be a success across the UK, such as the Kelpies and the Angel of the North.

David Edgar from the Vanguard Group - who came up with the idea - said: "The main attraction that we're looking to do is bring an iconic archway across the mouth of the harbour that will connect the new harbour extension, the Torry Battery, the Greyhope Dolphin Visitors Centre along with the beach, right the way along to the River Don and then back to the city.

"The landscape has been underutilised recently, it's been left to go into a state of disrepair and it's something that we can see would really bring something back to the city.

"Would you drive two hours out of your way to go and see it and be part of it? For this, you would."

Russell Borthwick, Chief Executive of Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce says the city can take inspiration from others who have diversified.

He said: "We can take influences from other places that have been through a significant change process earlier than Aberdeen has, not copy, because the things we do need to be unique to our assets and not just what other people have done."