Date set for North Sea strike

Hundreds of Wood Group contractors will down tools on Tuesday 26th July

Published 19th Jul 2016

A date has been set for the first North Sea strike in a generation.

Almost 400 Wood Group contractors are expected to down tools on eight Shell platforms on Tuesday 26th July. The unions say it will be the first in a series of 24 hour walkouts.

It follows overwhelming support for walkouts by members of UNITE and RMT in a row over pay. The unions claim the latest round of cuts will mean workers will take home up to 30% less, but bosses claim that figure has been exaggerated.

Unite regional officer John Boland said: “Strike action by our members is not a decision they take lightly, but they have been pushed to the limit by an employer unwilling to rethink proposals to slash their pay and allowances.

“This is the third series of redundancies, and cuts to our members’ wages and terms and conditions in the last two years. Our members have already made sacrifices and are experiencing the effects of the imposition of a three week working cycle which means more time offshore and less time with their families, for the same salary.

“They work in some of the most hazardous conditions in one of the toughest jobs in the world and deserve better than Wood Group’s bogus claims that their proposed pay cuts won’t amount to much.

“Wood Group needs to wake up to the determination of our members by negotiating seriously with Unite and the other offshore unions to reach a deal which is fair for their highly skilled and hardworking work force.”

A spokesman for Wood Group said: “Our employees’ safety and welfare is our priority, and although we are extremely disappointed that they have chosen to take industrial action, we respect their right to do so.

“We continue to engage proactively and openly with our employees and the unions with a focus on reaching a resolution. Safeguarding these jobs in the North Sea now and in the future has always been, and remains our priority.”

(picture: Shell - Brent Delta)