Crimond mental health charity urges everyone to learn 'signs of mental health issues' on suicide prevention day

Shirley's Space was created in memory of Peterhead woman Shirley Findlay who took her own life is 2018 - her nephew Cameron says losing her "ripped the heart out of the family" and he wants to help other families avoid that feeling.

Author: Lewis MichiePublished 10th Sep 2020
Last updated 10th Sep 2020

Today is world suicide prevention day, and Northsound having been hearing from a local mental health charity and support hub on their plea for the public to learn the signs to identify a mental health issue in themselves, a friend or family member.

Shirley's Space was set-up in memory of Peterhead woman Shirley Findlay who took her own life in 2018.

The hub is located in Crimond,Aberdeenshire.

Shirley's nephew and founder Cameron Findlay described the pain of losing a loved one to suicide as "dark days" ,he said:

"Our original intention was to prevent another family going through what we did"

"After we lost Shirley to mental health it just ripped the heart out of the family, there are several stages to grief after you lose somebody and looking at myself and the family, we are all still going through that process, and probably will be for some time."

"We could never have known or even guessed the struggles Shirley was going through, she was such a bubbly and radiant person"

"That's why on suicide prevention day it's important for people to know the major, and even subtle signs of a mental health issue."

Cameron described for us some of these signs:

"A major sign of a mental health issue is if people start withdrawing themselves consistently from activities"

"Any sleep or weight issues, or a large increase in an individual's alcohol consumption"

"Anybody with any concerns of any early signs of a mental health issue can get in touch with us"

"We've had several friends approach us with their concerns, and we will reach out if we feel we need to - we can then invite someone to a group or one-on-one service, or refer them to our text service which currently runs 24 hours a week."