Council leader quits over Legoland row

A trip to Legoland has led to the resignation of one of the North East's top councillors

Published 30th Aug 2016

A trip to Legoland has led to the resignation of one of the North East's top councillors.

Co-leader of Aberdeenshire Council Martin Kitts-Hayes had gone to Denmark for a conference on the North Sea at a time when the downturn has led to thousands of job losses.

But he came home early because he refused to stay in the accomodation - a log cabin at Legoland - calling it "a glorified shed."

It meant thousands of pounds of taxpayers' money wasted.

Councillor Kitts Hayes says he's stepping down because it's clear he no longer has the full support of his colleagues.

Councillor Martin Kitts-Hayes has put out this statement: “Following discussions this morning it has become clear that I no longer enjoy the full support of the Partnership Administration and therefore tender my resignation as Chair of Policy and Resources and Co-Leader of the Council. In order to ensure a smooth transition and with the agreement of the Provost, my resignation will take effect from Full Council on 29 September 2016. "In terms of the Billund Report I would like to make the following comments: - little or no evidence has been found that any reputational damage has been caused to Aberdeenshire Council - comments about damaging our relationship with the North Sea Commission (NSC) are unfounded with the President of the NSC stating that my decision to return home "has not caused her or the NSC any difficulties". I was also not making any speech at the Conference. - I immediately informed the Director of Business Services and through him the Chief Executive on my return from Billund and asked the former to look into the accommodation issue before meeting the Chief Executive and making the issue public. - when I met the Chief Executive I took full responsibility for the decision to return home - the reporter who "broke" the story informed me that he had been contacted by a "disgruntled employee" hence the use of this expression "However, I recognise that my decision has been an unnecessary distraction and has disrupted the smooth running of the Council. I have already stated that on reflection it was a poor decision and of course I regret any upset that I have caused. "I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Provost Vernal and Cllrs Thomson and Evison over the past 15 months and will continue to support them.

"I do not intend to make any further comment on the matter.” Aberdeenshire Co-Leader Councillor Richard Thomson said: “Aberdeenshire has benefitted over a number of years from the commitment and hard work of Councillor Kitts-Hayes and I have enjoyed my time sharing the leadership role with him. He has made the right decision to resign as Co-Leader however, given the aftermath of the decision to return from Billund.” Leader of the Aberdeenshire Labour Group, Councillor Alison Evison said: “Martin Kitts-Hayes has served Aberdeenshire Council effectively as both an officer and a councillor. In recent months he has driven the regeneration strategy forward and has been instrumental in gaining support for the City Region Deal. His statement today shows that he wishes to ensure that Aberdeenshire continues to focus on delivering the best for its communities. “