Coronavirus Daily Update: The Prime Minister tests positive for the virus, as has the health secretary

Everything you need to know today...

Author: Lewis MichiePublished 27th Mar 2020

National & International:

The Prime Minister Boris Johnson has tested positive for the coronavirus, as has his health secretary - meanwhile the Chief Medical Officer for England Professor Chris Whitty has shown symptoms.

The USA now has more than 85,00 confirmed cases of the virus - that has them surpassing China.

Meanwhile Italy's death toll has jumped by 969, totaling 9,134.

The UK have had another 181 deaths, the total is now 759.

Scotland now has a total of 1059:

In the North East:

There have been 14 new cases in the past 24 hours here in Grampian, that brings the region to a total of 45.

NHS Grampian have become one of the first Scottish health boards to begin it's own testing for coronavirus:

Aberdeen airport will run a restricted operation from the beginning of April.

This have resulted in proposals for temporary pay cuts and an end to bonus payments:

Something a bit more positive:

Cash for Kids are to benefit from three live streamed concerts from local musicians this weekend.

And, how about a virtual running club?

Well that's the new initiative with Sport Aberdeen, you can exercise in isolation but still keep it somewhat social: