Coronavirus Daily Update: £75 Million to fly stranded Brits home and Scottish deaths up to 47

Everything you need to know today...

Author: Lewis MichiePublished 30th Mar 2020
Last updated 30th Mar 2020

National & International:

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has announced a deal with airlines to rescue British people stuck abroad.

In countries where commercial options are available, airlines will help customers book a flight home and tickets can be exchanged between carriers.

In areas where commercial flights are no longer happening, the UK government will organise charter flights.

We are now closing in on a quarter of a million confirmed cases of the virus globally.

22,141 of those are in the UK, 1,563 in Scotland.

1,408 people have died from covid-19 in the UK, 47 of those have been in Scotland.

We've also been getting an insight into how new measures to try and slow the spread have been working.

The UK's chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance says there have been massive decreases in public travel as well as use of cars since measures came in to place.

He said he was been steadily increasing in hospital admissions per day, averaging around 1000. Vallance says the steady nature of this increase is helpful and also gives a more positive indication.

While he says he cannot promise there won't be single ICU's in the country reaching capacity, he believes we are on track to prevent the total of NHS ICUs from reaching their limit.

The chief scientific adviser also reinforced that we are likely to see another 2-3 weeks of the more cases and hospital admissions, with it then hoped we'd see a stagnation and then decline.

25 people were issued with penalty notices in Scotland over the weekend relating to breaching self-isolation guidelines.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed work is underway to transform Glasgow's SEC into a temporary hospital - with it hoped the 300 bed unit could be ready in a fortnight.

And over 21,000 people have volunteered for Scotland's efforts to battle the virus.

In the North East:

Although 25 penalty notices were issued over the weekend across Scotland - Police have thanked residents in the North East, as they said none were given out in the region.

However, officers are continuing to ask for information after a teenager deliberately coughed on a woman in Banchory - telling her she'd get coronavirus.

There has also been a reported theft after a break-in at the Ship Inn in Stonehaven.

Aberdeenshire MSP Gillian Martin has asked the UK government to consider a fund to help people pay their energy and gas bills.

She fears many will struggle to pay bills likely to be far higher if they are working from home - she's also suggested asking what the providers can do for help.

Aberdeen legend Eoin Jess is locked-down in his home in Spain, he's urging the public to maintain government advice.

Something a bit more positive:

Aberdeen FC have offered free subscriptions to their video service for season ticket holders:

As well as content produced to keep fans updated during the shutdown, fans can also watch archived footage.