Concern for safety of man last seen near River Dee

Published 7th May 2016

There's growing concern for a man last seen near the banks of the River Dee.

The man, understood to be in his fifties, was spotted by a member of the public at the Salmon Bothy fisherman’s hut near Riverside Drive, at around 10.50pm on Friday 6 May.

Officers are keen to establish where he went next. He's described as being around 5ft 8, of a medium build, with “straggly” shoulder length dark hair.

He was unshaven and is believed to have a local accent, he was wearing a waterproof dark green/ grey jacket, blue jeans, and was carrying a black rucksack. It is understood the man was seen at Asda in the Garthdee area around an hour before. Anyone with information should contact police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.