Concern for hillwalker last seen in Aberdeen

Published 6th May 2017
Last updated 6th May 2017

A hillwalker who came to Scotland has not been seen for days, with police saying the lack of contact from the man is concerning''.

Steven Greenwell, 42, arrived at Aberdeen airport on Tuesday May 2 on a walking trip, but has not made contact with family or friends since then.

Police Scotland are now urging anyone who knows where he might be to get in touch.

Mr Greenwell, who is from Scotland but now lives in France, is 5ft 8in, of slim build with short fair hair. It is not known what he was wearing at the time, but he is likely to be dressed in walking clothes.

Sergeant Garry Garrow from Banchory Police Office said: I would appeal to anyone with information regarding Steven's whereabouts, or who may have seen Steven recently to please get in touch.

Although it is believed that Steven is a competent and experienced hillwalker, the lack of contact from him is concerning for his friends and family. I would also ask Steven to contact someone to let them know that he is ok.''