Cockerel Found Trying To Catch A Bus In Maryculter!

Published 5th May 2015

A cockerel has been found apparently trying to catch a bus in Aberdeensihire.

A member of the public spotted the bird at a bus stop in Maryculter on April 16th, and then took him to The Scottish SPCA Aberdeenshire Animal Rescue Centre in Drumoak.

There staff took him in, and have now named him 'Decker'.

Centre amanger Graeme Innes said:

"Decker is a handsome chap. He didn't have a bus pass so it's lucky a kind passer by stopped and gave him a lift to our centre!

"We don't know how Decker came to be there. It's possible he has strayed from home or he could have been abandoned.

"Although he appears confident, he can be a little nervous and isn't used to being handled. He does like to show off in front of all the females though.

"Decker will require a safe area to explore during the day and a secure place to stay overnight. We think he would enjoy a place in the countryside.

"If anyone is able to offer Decker a ticket to his forever home we would be delighted to hear from them on 03000 999 999."