Cocaine dealer had baby on drugs run

An Aberdeen cocaine dealer who was caught on a drugs run with a baby in his car weeks after he was freed on bail has been jailed for 40 months.

Published 9th Feb 2015

A cocaine dealer's been caught on a drugs run in Aberdeenshire with a baby in the car. Steven Gribble's Audi was pulled over near Turrif last October. The police found two bags of cocaine he'd thrown out the window - they contained around ÂŁ4000 worth of the drug. In the car he had his dad, and a baby girl. The 32 year old was being watched by the police because he'd just been released on bail for drug dealing. He's been given 3 years, 4 months behind bars. The judge at the High Court in Edinburgh told him it would've been five years, but he plead guilty at an early stage.