Lib Dems hope for stronger climate change target after global strikes

Published 21st Sep 2019

The Scottish Lib Dems have made a bid to strengthen Scotland's climate change targets after mass strikes around the world.

Thousands of young people across the country joined millions of others as part of a global climate strike on Friday - with marches held in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen.

It's the latest action inspired by activist Greta Thunberg after a series of school strikes last year in a call to tackle climate change.

Currently the Climate Change Bill states Scotland's emissions should be cut by 70% by 2030 as progress towards net-zero emissions.

However the amendment advanced and co-signed by the party would see this increased to 75%.

Energy spokesman Liam McArthur MSP said: "The transition to a net zero country needs to be quicker. Early action to cut emissions is critical to stopping irreversible damage to our environment.

"As the placards say, there is no planet B.

"This is both a credible and ambitious proposal to increase Scotland's climate change targets.

"In order to achieve this enhanced 75% cut, many aspects of our lives will require nothing short of transformation.

"At the Liberal Democrat conference this week we set out exactly how we would respond to the climate emergency.

"Across the entire UK we need rapid expansion in renewable energy, to insulate tens of millions of buildings and to end the sale of new diesel and petrol cars by 2030.

"That is the scale of the response the planet needs now."

The amendment will be voted on when the Bill returns for the final stage of the parliamentary process next week.

In Edinburgh on Friday tens of thousands of demonstrators marched from the Meadows to Holyrood Park next to the Scottish Parliament while chanting, singing and waving placards.

Ahead of the strike action, the Scottish Government said it is "leading by example'' through its bold actions to address the climate emergency.

A spokesman said: "The global climate emergency and a Green New Deal for Scotland are at the centre of our Programme for Government.

"We are leading by example through bold actions. We are redoubling our efforts and we will end Scotland's contribution to global climate change by 2045."