City council showdown over Aberdeen FC's Kingsford Stadium plans

All for Aurora and No Kingsford Stadium will speak at the city council

Published 13th Sep 2017

Aberdeen Football Club’s plans for a new stadium at Kingsford on the outskirts of the city will come before councillors today, as the time approaches for a decision to be made on if the £50 million development will get the go ahead.

The pre-determination hearing will hear from both sides – pitting “All for Aurora” supporters against the “No Kingsford Stadium Campaign”. It comes after local authority representatives toured the site on Monday.

Concerns about the training and stadium complex centre on the nearby greenbelt land, traffic and parking. The No Kingsford Stadium group have even threatened legal action.

The All for Aurora campaign, backing the plans was launched by Pittodrie bosses last month, garnering support from across the city and further. AFC hero and Gothenburg Great Willie Miller, golf champion Paul Lawrie and supporter Mike Loggie, chief executive of The Saltire Energy Group, are some of those who have thrown their weight behind the plans.

AFC executive vice chairman, George Yule, said: "In the run up to a decision on our planning application, we want to demonstrate the huge amount of support out there for our plans. I'm constantly approached by people wanting to know what we're doing to galvanise support and how they can help us get this application over the line. This campaign is our response. It provides a focal point and clear calls to action so that they can make their voices heard."

If planning consent is granted in October, the proposals will see £50million invested to create a new home for the Dons with football training pitches and academy that will also provide a base for the significant expansion of the work of Aberdeen FC Community Trust on social inclusion, participation in sport and healthy lifestyles.

Aberdeen City Council bosses know today’s meeting could be a rowdy one – with extra security being laid on, and bag searches in place.

In a letter issued ahead of the Town House meeting – the local authority insisted any member of the public refusing to allow their bags to be searched will not be allowed in.

If the public gallery reaches capacity, committee rooms 2/3 will be used for overspill and the proceedings will be live streamed to these rooms