Church leader urges us to offer peace not anger after London terror attack

Published 4th Jun 2017

The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland has urged people to ''offer peace'' in the wake of the London terror attacks.

The Right Rev Dr Derek Browning said that anger ''diminishes our humanity'' and called for peace.

Three men were shot dead after killing seven and injuring 48 more with a van and knife attack in the UK capital on Saturday night.

It is the third terrorist atrocity in Britain in less than three months after the Westminster and Manchester attacks in March and May.

The Moderator said: ''Once more fear stalks our streets, and innocent people are hurt and harmed.

We pray for all caught up in the situation in London.

In the anguish and the anxiety, steadiness and an unwillingness to be intimidated by any form of violence is the only response.

It is hard, in the face of these senseless actions, to respond with anything other than anger.

But anger diminishes our humanity.

We reach out to friend and stranger, and in Christ's Name we call for peace, and model peace, and offer peace.''