Charity says hike in kids reporting online sexual abuse

NSPCC Childline says 24% increase in children getting in touch

Published 7th Feb 2017
Last updated 7th Feb 2017

A charity says there has been a hike in children getting in touch reporting online sexual abuse.

NSPCC Childine says over the last year they carried out 3,716 counselling sessions compared to 2,994 the year before.

They say in Scotland 151 youngsters got in touch in 2015/16 to get help.

The charity says online sexual abuse can take the form of grooming, child sexual exploitation, sexting, being made to perform sex acts on webcam, meet up in person, and viewing distressing sexually explicit content.

Online sexual abuse was such a big problem for children last year that it took up a third of all contacts about online issues, including bullying and safety.

In 2015/16 the NSPCC’s service received 1,480 contacts about online child sexual exploitation; an increase of 18 per cent from 2014/15 (up from 1,252).

The charity says some youngsters felt trapped by their situation because they felt guilty and ashamed, were frightened to talk to an adult about the issue, were being blackmailed, or were considering meeting up in person. Some wrongly feel that they are to blame because they have participated in their abuser’s actions, and are afraid to speak out.

A 14-year-old girl told Childline: “I met this guy through social media and he was really nice; he told me I was beautiful and I felt that I could talk to him about everything. He asked me for some topless photos which I didn’t think was a big deal, so I sent him a few. But now he’s turned really nasty and is threatening to post them online if I don’t send him more. I’m really worried and embarrassed and I don’t know what to do.”

The NSPCC recommends parents talk regularly and openly with their children and has a host of simple tips and advice on its website. Tips include:

• Exploring sites and apps together

• Ask about things they might see online which make them feel uncomfortable

• Talk about being Share Aware and what is, and is not, ok to share online

• Reassure them that you won't overreact – you're just looking out for them

A spokesman from NSPCC Scotland said: “To children, online friends are real friends and online life is real life. There’s no difference. So it’s vital they are safe and know how to get help if they need it.

“Parents need to feel confident that their children are protected when they’re online, and setting up parental controls, alongside regular chats about their digital lives, can go a long way to minimizing the risks.