Charity calls for temporary accommodation limits for all homeless people

A charity wants the law to be extended to limit the use of temporary accommodation for all homeless people.

Published 28th Sep 2017

A charity wants the law to be extended to limit the use of temporary accommodation for all homeless people.

Crisis said living in places such as B&Bs for long periods can be “destructive and demoralising'' and prevents people moving on from homelessness.

In October, the Scottish Government will restrict the legal time limit on unsuitable temporary accommodation from 14 to seven days for families and pregnant women.

The charity is calling on the Government to extend the right to all homeless people.

Temporary accommodation is an important first step in helping homeless people find safe and secure housing, Crisis said, but some are left without access to basic facilities such as a washing machine, private bathroom or cooking facilities for extended periods.

The Scottish Government said tackling homelessness was a key priority.

Jon Sparkes, chief executive of Crisis, said: “Scotland should be proud that we have some of the best homelessness legislation in the world, but we cannot become complacent.

“No one, no matter what their circumstance, should be forced to live without basic facilities for prolonged periods of time.

“The Life in Limbo campaign seeks to extend this vital legal protection, of a seven-day time-limit on placement in unsuitable temporary accommodation to all homeless people, otherwise we risk having a two-tier system which runs counter to Scotland's unique right-based approach to protecting people from homelessness.

“The recent announcement of the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group, which Crisis warmly welcomes, means the time is ripe to end the anomaly of unsuitable temporary accommodation.

“This change will make a massive difference and ensure no homeless person is left to languish in unsuitable temporary accommodation.''

A Scottish Government spokeswoman said: “As our Programme for Government made clear, tackling and preventing homelessness remains a key priority and our new Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group will look directly at how we transform the use of temporary accommodation and end rough sleeping.

“We are delighted that Jon Sparkes, CEO of Crisis, has agreed to chair this Group and look forward to their recommendations.

“We are backing our ambition with a #50m Ending Homelessness Together Fund to drive change and improvement in this area.''

Crisis said a shortage in places including Edinburgh, the Highlands and Aberdeenshire, meant there was a reliance on unsuitable homeless accommodation.

One man, named Jamie, spent 14 months living in a B&B in Edinburgh with three bathrooms between 14 people and limited kitchen access.

He told Crisis: “There was quite a high turnover of people with addiction or mental health issues, or that had just come out of prison and the different comings and goings of people had a real impact on how I felt in myself.

“My mental health deteriorated due to the stress. I tried to stick to as normal a routine as I could. Some people slept all day.

“Boil it all down, it's survival mode I suppose you'd say. It's not enjoying life.'