Celtic say Eddie Howe deal collapse was out of their control

The Parkhead side say he will not be their next manager 'for reasons outwith both his and their control'

Published 28th May 2021

Celtic say they will appoint a new manager 'very shortly' after responding to their breakdown in talks with Eddie Howe.

The former Bournemouth boss won't be heading to Glasgow after being unable to assemble the backroom staff he wanted.

The club say this was 'outwith both his and Celtic's control'.

A club statement said: "Following very positive and detailed discussions with Eddie Howe, with the belief that he would be an excellent candidate for the position of Celtic Manager, we allowed time for the process, given he’d previously made it clear he was not looking to return to management until this summer at the earliest.

"We can now confirm that Eddie will not be joining the Club, for reasons outwith both his and Celtic’s control.

"We wish Eddie success for the future.

"As part of the ongoing process we have engaged with a number of candidates. We fully appreciate our fans will be seeking clarity on this matter and we aim, very shortly, to announce the appointment of a Manager with the quality and desire to take Celtic forward and bring further success to our supporters".