On the campaign trail today

Published 3rd Jun 2017

It's the last weekend of the campaign and the finish line is in sight.

But there's no let up as all parties will be looking to spend as many of the remaining 136 hours before polls close getting their messages out there.

Prime Minister Theresa May will be back in God's Own Country (again) as she tries to win over voters in key battleground seats in Yorkshire, while Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn will be hitting the East Midlands to visit three seats the party lost in 2010.

Nigel Farage will be out and about in the South East beating the drum for Ukip, as SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon flies to 30 constituencies in what's been dubbed the Nicolopter.

For the Liberal Democrats, Simon Hughes will be unveiling a poster in London while the leader of the Scottish Lib Dems Willie Rennie will be in St Andrews.

What's in the news?

Much of the focus of Saturday's papers is on the not-quite-a-debate as Mrs May and Mr Corbyn appeared on a special version of BBC's Question Time on Friday night.

The Telegraph leads on the line that the PM had ''balls'' to call the election and criticism levelled at Mr Corbyn about Trident, while the Mirror takes another tack, saying Mrs May was ''savaged over her dismal record''.

The other main tale in the papers follows up comments from Ms Sturgeon that she would be prepared to back Labour on a vote-by-vote basis. The Mail runs the headline Sturgeon: Vote Corbyn, Get Me, while the Express has Sturgeon: I'll Help Corbyn.

The announcement that Conservative candidate Craig Mackinlay would face charges over alleged electoral expenses fraud leads the Mirror and i, while the Sun's coverage looks at a poll on which kind of biscuit the Labour and Conservative leaders are most like.

A Jammie Dodger and a tough cookie apparently. We'll leave you to guess which is which...

''It is staggering that just six days from polling day millions of pensioners still don't know what's in store for them if they are unlucky enough to get dementia or any other condition that needs care in the home'' - Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn

Who's saying what?

''The only way (people) can be sure their taxes won't rise is to vote Conservative. We already know your tax will go up if you vote Labour on Thursday'' - Sir Michael Fallon, in the Telegraph

'My message to those thinking of voting for Theresa May is this: don't bet your house on it'' - Liberal Democrat Norman Lamb on the so-called dementia tax.

''This election is heartbreaking to watch unfold. Talented women such as the Green Party's co-leader Caroline Lucas will never get a seat in the cabinet. Voters might have to take a deep breath and accept that Justine Greening, Amber Rudd and a lacklustre Theresa May are the best we can hope for'' - Columnist Janet Street-Porter in the i.