Calls For Action On Broadford Works

Published 25th May 2015

There are calls for Aberdeen City Council to compulsary purchase Broadford Works, following a major fire at the derelict factory over the weekend.

Aberdeen's Liberal Democrat councillors have today called on the city council to take action.

Councillor Ian Yuill, Leader of the Liberal Democrats on Aberdeen City Council, said "The Broadford Works have been neglected for years. The regular fires are a real risk to the safety of the fire service staff who have to tackle them. It is a disgrace that the owners of the Broadford Works allow this situation to continue, putting at risk both people's safety and the future of the important category A listed buildings on the site.

"We believe there is a real risk to life and to listed buildings if the current neglect of the Broadford Works continues.

"The Liberal Democrats have today submitted a notice of motion to the next meeting of Aberdeen City Council calling on the council to consider all the options open to it - including compulsory purchase of the Broadford Works - to allow the council to ensure public safety, secure the future of the listed buildings and bring about the early development of the site."

Ian Yuill has also written to Aberdeen City Council Chief Executive Angela Scott urging her to hold an urgent "summit" involving the fire and rescue service, the police, Historic Scotland and all others with an involvement with the site to consider what immediate action can be taken.

Ian Yuill commented "Whilst compulsory purchase may provide a long term solution, the Liberal Democrats believe it is important that the council take a lead in bringing together all those with an interest in the Broadford Works to identify what immediate action can and should be taken."